Feeling Stuck? 3 Steps to Keep Moving Forward.

Oyindamola Odunuga

by Oyindamola Odunuga


If you are currently in a season where you feel stuck, I would like to remind you that you are not alone. God is with you, He sees you, and is attentive to your heart's cries (Psalms 34:15). He wants the very best for you and He is willing to help you overcome feeling stuck. Here are a few actionable steps to get you moving forward again:

1. Maximize the current season

Feeling stuck might be your present state, but be confident it’s not final. Joseph’s story in Genesis 30-50 reminds us that although we face momentary hurdles, God’s promises for us will still come to completion (Philippians 1:6). Nevertheless, as co-workers with God (1 Corinthians 3:9), He expects us to actively use our gifts to bring these promises to life.

While unjustly stuck in prison, Joseph used his gift of interpretation to interpret the dreams of two other prisoners, who were former officials of the King. Shortly after one of those officials was released, the king had a dream no one could interpret. On the advice of his formerly-imprisoned official, the king called Joseph from prison to interpret his dream, leading to Joseph's subsequent release from prison and appointment as a ruler of Egypt.

Looking at Joseph’s story in detail, we observe that he was able to maximize the moments he was stuck in prison by choosing to maintain the right attitude and using his talent. Joseph didn't deprive others of his gifts simply because he didn’t like where he was, instead he used his gifts faithfully, which in time, favored him.

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Tip: Like Joseph, God has promises for your life but you have to choose to intentionally use your skills to serve in your current season. And as you serve, do so with diligence and excellence.

2. Rise to the occasion by getting wisdom

Whether it’s in our work or in our relationships, getting wisdom is vital to getting unstuck. The Bible tells us the most important thing we can do is to get wisdom (Proverbs 4:7). A practical step to take is to give regular, dedicated time to self-development. Now is a good time to invest in practical and technical readings, podcasts and courses related to whatever area you feel stuck in.

Another practical way to get wisdom is to ask for sound counsel from people you consider wise. In Proverbs 24:6, it says “Wise strategy is necessary to wage war, and with many astute advisers you’ll see the path to victory more clearly”.

Tip: Commit to being disciplined and seek constant self-improvement and valuable counsel.

3. Constant meditation on God’s Word and prayers

Meditating on God’s Word is irreplaceable. God’s Word is active and alive; when we meditate on it day and night and do what it says, God gives insights and generates hope in us to flourish (Joshua 1:8).

In hand with God’s Word, it is essential we prioritize communicating with God in prayer. Personally, when I feel stuck I have found praying in the moment to be an effective strategy. Sometimes these prayers have been as simple as saying “Dear Holy Spirit, teach me” and He responds by providing a solution.

Lean in to building a flourishing relationship with God. Jesus, our friend and savior himself tells us that “I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.” (‭‭John‬ ‭15:5)‬ ‭

Tip: Make prayer and meditation on God’s Word a daily priority.

Finally, be encouraged that the time you spent feeling stuck is not a waste. Remember that in His word, God tells us all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). Note His Word says “all” things not “some things”; therefore even the seasons where we feel stuck count. As you go forward, prayerfully act on these steps and stay expectant of God's faithfulness.




Oyindamola Odunuga is a French Nigerian living in Paris, France. She works as a Financial Services Consultant. She is passionate about helping the youth and women fulfill their God-given purpose through encouragement and empowerment. She loves all things that involve God and all he has created, it's no wonder that Oyindamola enjoys traveling, experiencing different cultures, their food, art, and languages. She speaks French, Yoruba and English. She is married to Abiodun. Connect with her on social media at @ms.oyinda.