Permission to Dream

Christine Caine

by Christine Caine


Has God given you a dream? What I love about the desires and dreams God gives us is that they are always connected to our calling. Are you familiar with this word? Our calling comes with a multilayered meaning of strategic purpose, specific intent, and concrete direction. It’s our assignment; our vocation. It’s a purpose outside of ourselves that brings God glory and blesses others. It’s how we light up our part of this world. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10 that “we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.

I know from experience that it doesn’t matter if you don’t think you have the courage, the strength, the wisdom, the money, the influence, the experience, the education, the organization, or the backing to fulfill your calling. If God shows you something he wants you to do, in him and with his strength, you can do it. He doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

Our callings can be as different as we are, but we are all called to do something, and ultimately that something brings glory to God. Maybe God has given you a dream to:

• become a doctor or a lawyer, mathematician or astronaut.
• be an Olympic athlete.
• write a book or screenplay.
• become a musician or actor.

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• mentor young people in after-school tutoring programs.
• reach out to women in recovery programs who need to hear, “Yes, you can.”
• build a network for young moms and help them launch home-based businesses.
• lead a neighborhood Bible study, providing a safe place for people to grow.
• go back to school or start a business or change careers.
• pitch in at your neighborhood’s community center.

Whatever your dream is, God wants you to pursue it—and he has given you his very own Spirit to help you to become all he has created you to be and do all that he has called you to do.

Furthermore, if you feel you don’t have a dream right now, ask him for one. If you feel it’s too late, you’re too far gone, or you’ve made too many mistakes to ask him for a dream, I have good news for you—it’s not. He’s given you Permission to Dream again, so feel free to ask him why he has placed you on this earth at this time, in your particular location, with your specific personality, gifts, and talents? It’s never too late because we are called to keep bearing fruit while we are alive on planet earth. I’m 57 right now, and no matter how much I have achieved, I know that there is still more ahead. If my race were already completed, I would be home in heaven right now. Since I’m not, and you’re reading this article, then I assume you’re not either; it’s time to keep dreaming and keep believing God for what he puts in our hearts to do.

Jesus prayed, “As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world” (John 17:18). God has sent me, and he has sent you. He has sent us out with different dreams and callings, but every single one of them is designed to include reaching people. Loving them. Encouraging them. Serving them. I can’t wait for you to embrace that you have Permission to Dream again! I know you can do everything he’s put in your heart to do—even if you aren’t sure what all that is yet!



Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Learn more about Permission to Dream at